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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 769-1014

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Volume-Preserving Mean Curvature Flow as a Limit of a Nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau Equation

Lia Bronsard and Barbara Stoth

pp. 769-807

Spatial Decay Estimates for Flow in a Porous Medium

J. Chadam and Y. Qin

pp. 808-830

Self-Similar Solutions for a Modified Broadwell Model and Its Fluid-Dynamic Limits

Haitao Fan

pp. 831-851

Range of the Radon Transform on Functions which Do No Decay Fast at Infinity

Alexander I. Katsevich

pp. 852-866

Nonminimizing Positive Solutions for Equations with Critical Exponents in the Half-Space

Giovanna Cerami and Donato Passaseo

pp. 867-885

On the Inverse Problem of a Fourth-Order Self-Adjoint Binomial Operator

Alan Elcrat and Vassilis G. Papanicolaou

pp. 886-896

A Levinson-Type Algorithm for Discrete Stationary Random Fields

A. Makagon, C. A. Mensah, and A. G. Miamee

pp. 897-902

The General Analytic Solution of a Functional Equation of Addition Type

H. W. Braden and V. M. Buchstaber

pp. 903-923

Global Estimates for Solutions of Partial Differential Equations

Changmei Liu

pp. 924-943

Multifractal Formalism for Functions Part I: Results Valid For All Functions

S. Jaffard

pp. 944-970

Multifractal Formalism for Functions Part II: Self-Similar Functions

S. Jaffard

pp. 971-998

Stability and Orthonormality of Multivariate Refinable Functions

W. Lawton, S. L. Lee, and Zuowei Shen

pp. 999-1014